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This is a Research & Design Paper for the Assignment of TU DelftX’s Patient Journey Mapping Course, provided via www.EdX.org.
Product, Design Problem
In the unfortunate circumstance of a person suffering a stroke, classification depending on severity, varies. Numerous health professionals play an important role in helping each Patient recover, applying different knowledge and practices according to the Patient and the episode’s severity.
It is imperative to map the Patient’s Journey to Recovery, so that healthcare professionals can optimally provide their services and care towards a productive Recovery.
Prior to writing this Design Problem, I created a Severity Scale, which follows below.
Stage 1. Minor 1-3
Stage 2. Minor M 3-4
Stage 3. Μedium 4-6
Stage 4. Medium M 6-7
Stage 5. Severe 7-9
Stage 6. Severe M 9-10
Stage 7. Major 10
Due to lacking medical knowledge on the specifics of a stroke, researching articles online, was the main source of information. Also, a healthcare professional and acquaintance, provided insight to help create the scale of severity.
Coping with everyday tasks having suffered a stroke is difficult for Patients. To be more specific and provide the healthcare professionals with data and an alternative approach to enhancing treatment, monitoring progress, recovery and simple everyday tasks of a Patient, I have chosen to consider working for Patients that suffered a
Stage 1–3 stroke.
One of the complications of a stroke is memory loss. According to the CDC, in the USA, Stroke statistics show that every 40 seconds, someone in the United States has a stroke. Every 3.5 minutes, someone dies of stroke. Every year, more than 795,000 people in the United States have a stroke. About 610,000 of these are first or new strokes. (5 Apr., 2022) Source: https://www.cdc.gov/stroke/facts.htm
According to Mayo Clinic, complications of a stroke can be the following:
Memory loss or thinking difficulties. Many people who have had strokes experience some memory loss. Others may have difficulty thinking, reasoning, making judgments and understanding concepts.
Emotional problems. People who have had strokes may have more difficulty controlling their emotions, or they may develop depression.
Changes in behavior and self-care ability. People who have had strokes may become more withdrawn. They may need help with grooming and daily chores. Source:
The Design Problem
The Design (Healthcare) Problem I’m trying to solve is the assistance of Stroke Patients in daily activities/tasks. The creation of a device and or app/digital environment can help Patients remember, feel the sound of music and the voice of an assistant reminding them of certain daily activities and tasks. It possibly can be of help to combat depression, forgetfulness, and under no circumstance, replace the human factor, instead act, assisting in daily activities.
The Environment / Operating System could likely be for both iOS and Android, since these two, are the major, if not only market shareholders.
To better facilitate the Design Problem, a collaboration of Neurologists, Physical Therapists, Psychologists, General Physicians, having prior experience in treating Stroke Patients, and them answering a detailed questionnaire, can prove helpful in the Research & Design of a specific device that will help during the recovery phase.
A device with a digital environment and apps that assist in reminding daily tasks, slideshowing numerous and a variety of photos, playing memory games, speaking to the Patient, playing music that the patient likes (before the stroke took place) can prove helpful in treatment and the recovery overall.
This statement is completely based on an idea and notes I took personally as a Designer while having no educational or professional foundation as a healthcare professional, and is purely written on a conceptual basis.
From Concept to Wireframe
The following HiFi wires below, were created in Adobe XD and Illustrator, indicating the UI of the environment and Apps within.
Questionnaire Research Results & Insights
50% of the Patients had a Severe Stroke and 50% had a Somewhat Serious Stroke.
90% of the Patients had a Minor Stroke and 10%% had a Serious Stroke.
90% of the Patients had a Minor Stroke and 10% had a Severe Stroke.
80% of the Patients had a Minor Stroke, 10% had a Serious Stroke and 10% had a Somewhat Serious Stroke.
50% of Patients could accomplish task, 50% could not.
90% of Patients could accomplish task with help, 10% could not.
All Patients could accomplish task at an early or later stage.
90% of Patients could accomplish task, 10% could not at certain point.
50% of Patients could accomplish task, 50% could not at certain point.
The majority of Patients had a kinetic issue at certain point.
The majority of Patients need assistance at certain point.
100% of Patients remembered.
80% of the Patients showed positive motivation, 20% were neutral.
80% of Patients showed frustration, 20% of Patients were neutral.
90% of Patients were grateful, 10% showed desire to accomplish themselves.
90% of Patients showed pleasure, for the 10% we had no answer.
A variety of reactions were noted. Patients showed strong desire, had difficulty, were frustrated and had difficulty.
80% of patients remembered.
100% of the Patients felt happiness.
70% of the Patients did make a list and followed through. 30% did not.
90% of the Patients felt pleasure with interaction. 10% were mostly worried with their condition.
From a Qualitative aspect, Patients felt more desire to overcome their Stroke, with a variety of methods, accepting help. Considering the methods and questions asked, we can say that 80-90% of the Patients could very likely be helped by an Environment (Device) and an App that will positively motivate them on a daily and continuous basis with tasks, reminders, Photos and Music, Communication.
Thus being the Answer to the Design Problem, I am stating this Research & Design process as a Paper to TU DelftX, proposing the creation of a device that will encompass digital activities as a supplemental process to the Recovery Process of Stroke Patients and possibly a less severe Epilepsy condition.
For the TU DelftX Patient Journey Mapping Course, Research & Design by
©Tony Evreniadis aka Visualize, July 2022–October2022.
©Tony Evreniadis aka Visualize, July 2022–October2022.